Complementary feed


inhibits diarrhea & eliminates toxins

NONDIAR is a modern preparation with fast therapeutic, using in case of problems with wet bedding. Contained, concentrated herbal extracts with an anti-inflammatory, soothing and astringent effect, bind toxins, help create the proper biofilm on the intestinal villi, wich inhibit water and electrolytes. Decrease the absorption of free non-protein toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, while protein toxins, mainly bacterial, bind in insoluble conglomerates removed by the intestinal route


  • diarrhea
  • an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the intestinal mucosa
  • deficiency of electrolytes
  • metabolism disorders
  • lowered immunity

instructions for proper use

250 ml / 1000 L of drinking water, for 4-5 days

(In case of strong diarrhea on the first day of administration, the dose can be doubled.)


Please, get a look at the label.


propylene glycol, glycerol, mixture of flavouring compounds (e.g. plant extracts and/or oils)