Complementary feed


Active carbon

Diarstop-G is a universal, specialized product that prevents diarrhea in pigs. Developed on the basis of activated carbon, it effectively absorbs mycotoxins contained in fodder, heavy metals and all contaminants that... more »

Complementary feed



FIBERAPRES is a specialized product that replenishes the fiber deficiencies in the ration. Its composition supports the digestive system by supporting digestive processes and reducing the risk... more »

Complementary feed



HERBIMAX is a product with a concentrated composition of many herbs. Because of their natural origin HERBIMAX is an alternative to antibiotic growth stimulants. The composition of the... more »

Dietetic complementary feed


Stop diarrhea


Nondiar-S is a preparation supplementing the deficiency of pig feed. In addition, active ingredients have anti-diarrheal activity, support the development of a positive bacterial microflora in the... more »

Complementary feed


lower pH & better digestion

SUPRACID is a carefully selected composition of organic and inorganic acids that strongly reduces the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly reduces the amount... more »

Complementary feed


acids and oregano


ZiƂocid is an innovative combination of properties of organic and inorganic acids contained in the preparation and extract of oregano. Lowering the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, supported by the... more »